Dear Families,

Happy Wednesday! Hope you’re having a great week! 

**The Triad Branch of the NC Diaper Bank that we have been supporting this year is locate in close proximity to the fertilizer warehouse that burned recently in Winston Salem. The Diaper Bank building sustained some damage and, as a result, lost most of its inventory at that location. We hare holding and emergency diaper drive this week to help them replenish their supply! you can drop off diapers of any size at the church this week, bring them with you on Sunday, or order them online & have them shipped directly to the church (617 N. Elm Street, 27401). you can also give monetarily directly through the Diaper Bank Website. We will meet in the Life Center at 2pm on Sunday to sort, count, & wrap all that we collect this week. If you would like to join us, you can SIGN UP HERE


This Sunday

Our milestones continue this week – this Sunday is a make up day from a Sunday that was missed in January due to weather. **A couple of the classes have determined that all students who have been attending will be out of town this weekend, so they are not planning to meet. Please see the list below! If your child’s class is not meeting, but you DO plan to be here, please let me know! 

  • Kindergarten (Beginner bible) – CORL 304 – For Growth & Guidance (Luke & John)
  • First Grade (Worship Education) – CORL 301 – Sanctuary Tour (meet in classroom)
  • Second Grade (Communion Education) – CORL 300 – NOT MEETING
  • Third Grade (Catechism Education) – CORL 301 –Worship & Sacraments
  • Fourth Grade (Bible Skills) – Memorial 200 (Spencer Love Room) –NOT MEETING
  • Fifth Grade (Spiritual Practices) – CORL 306 –Creative Expression
  • Preschoolers will begin their special “Bible Heroes” series in MLC 101 by learning about the Boy Who Shared His Lunch

Join us for worship in Rejoice at 9am or Sanctuary at 11am!

**NEW PARENT CLASS: Families Growing in Faith– Join other parents in the back of the Life Center for fellowship & discussion.


Coming Up

On February 27, we will have our final milestone sessions and there will be ONE worship service in the sanctuary at 11am. It will be Neil Dunnavant’s final Sunday with us before his retirement and he will be preaching. 


  • Lent begins on March 2nd, Ash Wednesday which is, obviously, just a month away!
  • We are working on some worship plans for Ash Wednesday, but also waiting to finalize details due to Covid numbers. Stay tuned!! 
  • CLICK HERE to register for a Lenten Small Group and to see what else is planned for the season.
  • We will be trying out a new Sunday School model for elementary students March 6-April 3. All kids, K-5th, will begin together in CORL 306 for an engaging bible lesson! Then, they will break out into two groups – K-2nd; 3rd-5th – for some more focused, age level activities. I’m excited to try out this model for a few weeks! If you would like to help with leading either of the small groups, please let me know. 


Other Notes and Info

Sunday, I chatted with the Parent class about incorporating some faith at home practices – especially during Lent. I have attached the PowerPoint I shared which is based on THIS BOOK. Why is faith at home important? In the PowerPoint, I shared this graph. You see that tiny little sliver of a line?? That is how much time a child spends at church in a year – assuming you attend church for two hours on 45 of the 52 Sundays in a year. For many families, it is much less than that. So, the church cannot be the only place where faith formation happens. If you want it to “stick,” it has to happen at home as well! 


Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns! 

Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726