Genesis 1:27 27: So God created humankind in God’s own image.
Imago Dei. We are all created in the image of God. That is such a beautiful idea. Do you believe it?
Do you believe you are created in the image of God? With all of your (my) imperfections, flaws and shortcomings? You are. Do you believe everyone else is?
What if when you saw a person walking towards you, you thought, “Look! There is one created in the image of God just like me!” Republican and Democrat, White and Black and Brown, Gay and Straight and Transgender, Poor and Wealthy, immigrant and imprisoned, can you recognize the image of God in every person?
Too often we fail to realize that those we criticize are created in the image of God just like we are. In such a time as this, can we agree to look for the image of God in one another – even when we passionately disagree?