Two weeks ago I was working on my laptop at home trying to prepare an article for one of our many publications and promotions. However, my laptop was not cooperating and unfortunately, like so many other people, I have become almost completely dependent on it.
Maybe my computer has caught the COVID-19 virus, I thought. I quickly put my FPC mask back on.
Don’t laugh. That darn machine has caught many other viruses over the years! Why not this one?
At any rate, the problem was that I would hit a key to type and the computer would make a clear clicking sound but nothing appeared on the virtual page of the monitor. My word document was in my head and on my fingers but I could not transfer it to a page.
I have no idea what I did to foul the works and still do not know to this day. If it happens again I may have to perform an exorcism.
Finally Jennifer Gaddy had a last resort suggestion. “Turn your computer off for a few minutes and start it up again,” she said. Well, that did the trick. It resumed functioning normally as if nothing had happened.
As I reflected on that I remembered seeing a quote by one of my favorite writers (and a Presbyterian as well), Anne Lamott. She opined in one of her works, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
My laptop seems to understand that truth but I and many others often forget or ignore it.
I think this pandemic has taught many of us the wisdom of disconnecting, slowing down, taking a break or changing the scenery of our workplaces or daily routines. We work more efficiently, our stress is less, our moods are vastly improved when we simply unplug for a while without feeling guilty or irresponsible.
Even Jesus had to get away from it all for a while. He intentionally made time for solitude and silence. (Mark 1:35; 1:45; 2:13;Luke 5:15-16) Should we not do the same?