We are a congregation of readers!  Two book groups will gather this month, and the Currie Library book clubs have announced their selections for 2020-2021.

Have a look, pick something to read, and join in!


Women & living out loud

On July 10, Rev. Dolly Jacobs opens a five-week conversation for women on Jen Hatmaker’s latest, Fierce, Free and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You:

“In a society that pushes conformity, it can be hard — seemingly crazy, even — to walk out every gift, quirk, and emotion you have, to live out loud. So much of the time, we feel stuck in people-pleasing or fear, sometimes hiding or even pretending, then end up sidelined in our own lives. How can we be brave? How do we stop performing and start living?”

Jen Hatmaker was going to speak at the fall Montreat Women’s Conference, which has been canceled. Hear a podcast with her.

This group will gather Fridays, 9-10:15 am, on Zoom. Email Dolly at djacobs@fpcgreensboro.org for a Zoom link.


Men & the summer of 1968

On July 23 the Men’s Reading Group will discuss The River to Pickle Beach by Doris Betts. Local English teacher Richard Betts will lead. He says: “I thought the men’s book club would enjoy Doris Betts’ novel because it attempts to connect the fraught national events of the summer of 1968 – the assassinations — with the lives of ordinary, middle class North Carolinians. Doris Betts was one of my finest teachers at Carolina, and she is a fine writer of character and setting.”

The author was a novelist, short story writer, and essayist who was honored an Alumni Distinguished Professor Emerita at UNC-Chapel Hill. She was nominated for the National Book Award for a different work. She is a member of the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame.

The men’s group begins at 5:30 July 23 on Zoom.. For info & link contact Rev. Neil Dunnavant, ndunnavant@fpcgreensboro.org.


Currie Library book clubs

These two groups celebrate friendship and fellowship while looking for faith messages and faith and experiences in different categories of books. The church has a task force working on reopening plans, so stay tuned for information on how we will meet.



Note: Monday members will join the Tuesday Club when author lee Zachariah leads. Read her book Across the Great Lake on your own.





Here are more titles recommended by staff and book clubbers. Currie Library has copies of these; contact Nancy Fuller to arrange to borrow: 336.275.2111 or 336.478.4731.